About us
CarBax is Slovak based manufacturer of technology and accessories for self service car wash centres. The company consists of three main divisions CarBax Car Wash Technology, CarBax Chemical and CarBax Car Wash.
These divisions represents development and distributions of technology for car wash centres, distribution of car wash detergents and operation of self service car wash sites.
Our Vision
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Our Mission
Our mission is to provide the best car wash experience at the best value possible. We want every customer to leave feeling like the wash they received was worth the amount they invested in keeping their car clean. We strive to ensure that our facilities and equipment are clean and well maintained so that the end result is a clean vehicle and a satisfied customer.
Gallery druhy slajder
Carbax History
What our customers say about us
Over 500 companies trust our services

Tradeshows and Events

1. place
21. - 22. September 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

1. place
21. - 22. September 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

1. place
21. - 22. September 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands
What our customers
say about us
Over 500 companies trust our services